Friday, November 2, 2007


What makes blogs so special? Why do the search engines seem to like them so much? The answer is content. A good marketing blog is updated all the time, quickly and easily. Content is king. We've heard that stated time and time again, but repetition does not make the statement invalid. Search engines love content, and good marketing blogs keep feeding them exactly what they crave. Who wouldn't get bored with the same old static pages? But as you write your blog, and if you write it well, you'll be able to impress both your clients and the search engines.

And now for the one qualifier. Content may be king, but content alone is like a figure-head king who talks a lot but doesn't get anything done. For the monarchy to be effective, you have t actually write good and appropriate content.

The first step to write a marketing blog is to set your goals and know why you blog. What this means is that you have to understand that a blog is not an open invitation to post sales material and self congratulatory tripe. The purpose of your blog should certainly be to inform, but it is also an opportunity to communicate with your clients. Search engines may like blogs because of constantly updated content, but customers have come to trust blogs because they feel like this is a chance to "get to know" the company - not subject themselves to more mindless sales material.

When you are writing content for your marketing blog you need to keep a few things in mind. First of all, a business blog, while not exactly creative writing, is not really technical writing either. Everyone has their own style and, depending on the subject matter of the blog, different styles are appropriate for different industries. But in general, a blog should be written in a more conversational tone. This will help you avoid the marketing-speak that can otherwise creep into a valid article.

Next, make sure that your grammar, punctuation, and spelling skills are regularly exercised. All you have to do is spend some time visiting forums or reading blog replies to know that most Internet users don't have the best grammar or vocabulary in the world. This does not, however, mean that you can allow your blog to slip down to the same level. You are being held to a higher standard as a content publisher than you would be as a normal visitor. And visitors will recognize poor grammar in others, even when they don't practice it themselves.

Now, what do you write about? Obviously a marketing blog is going to be heavy with articles about products or services. This is the perfect place to discuss your new endeavors, as long as you remember to keep it a discussion. People can get advertisements anywhere. They don't need them and, more importantly, they don't want them from your blog.

So now you've got some keyword-rich content. That's good for search engines. But have you got interesting content. Because that is good for actual visitors.

Studies have shown that the number one reason for reading a blog is the quality of the reading. Simple popularity isn't enough to attract and/or keep you readers coming back.

So what constitutes interesting content? That's a very subjective question and can be determined by the industry you're in or the audience you are targeting.

News items are a good choice, whether company news or industry news. Just make sure you're presenting something of value, not just a retelling of someone else's post. How does it relate to you? How does it relate to your customers.

"How To" articles are also a good idea. Let your clients know how to best use your product or service. Or you could even present new uses they may not have thought of.

Lists are popular additions in blogs. Whether it's 10 ways to use the product or seven weird things about your industry, they are a useful addition because they are easy for visitors to scan and enjoy and often attract linking or bookmarking.

There are countless other possibilities for a well maintained marketing blog, but it is equally important that you maintain a high level of writing quality if you want your blog to be a truly effective marketing tool.


Abu Hanif said...

Hai, nice blog.... saya ingin numpang coret-coret disini.
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Abu Hanif said...

Rahasia membuat blogspot menghasilkan uang secara otomatis

Selama ini blogspot dikenal sebagai tempat menulis sekaligus tempat promosi/iklan, baik berupa adsense google, auction, dan lainnya...

Tapi apakah setiap kita memasang iklan mereka diweb sobat akan senantisa mendapatkan hasil??
Tergantung dari iklan mereka... bila menarik bagi pembaca maka tentu akan menghasilkan. namun kadang juga sudah banyak yang telah diraup dari klik iklan diweb sobat... eh tiba-tiba di suspended alias ditutup alias diblokir. Kan bikin sakit hati.... Misalnya saja di adsense google benar-benar kadang menyakitkan bila telah mencapai puluhan dollar tiba-tiba disupended.

Masalah yang lain adalah kemungkinan web sobat tidak sesuai dengan iklan yang ditampilkan, maka jelas pengunjung tidak akan menghiraukan iklan tersebut, dan hasilnya nihil.

Tapi tahukah sobat bahwa ternyata ada salah satu trik untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan tanpa perlu menunggu orang lain untuk mengklik iklan tersebut? cukup orang lain membuka/membaca artikel sobat maka akan menghasilkan rupiah... nah tentu ini lebih meyakinkan karena tanpa sadar orang yang membaca web kita telah menyumbangkan rupiah buat kita (hehehe...kayak pengemis aja yah??)

Mungkin kurang menarik karena dianggap yang basi atau promosi...Tapi alangkah baiknya sobat mencoba dulu ... siapa tau sobat bisa tertarik.

Untuk itu sobat bisa mengenal lebih jauh yang saya maksud.
Ingat... sobat tidak perlu mengeluarkan dana untuk ini tapi sobat hanya meluangkan membaca 2-5 menit dari apa yang saya maksud. Semoga bermanfaat.

selanjutnya klik disini

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